Animated GIF

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Animated GIF

Post by double »


Is there a chance to optimize an animated GIF, which background moves constantly.

It contains 64 times:
animation.gif[0] GIF 4096x64 4096x64+0+0 8-bit PseudoClass 128c 870KB 0.000u 0:00.000

Thanks a lot
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Re: Animated GIF

Post by fmw42 »

I am not an expert on animations, but see
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Re: Animated GIF

Post by anthony »

GIF optimization does not handle movements. As such in your example the frames will almost always be full sized.
However as only the edge pixels need to be updated, you can use a 'Transparency Optimization' to good effect.

That is while you still generally need a full frame for each and every animation frame, you can make almost every pixel in that frame transparent, and thus allow the images to compress very well.

See Transparency Optimization
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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