can't read Sun raster file (8-bit compressed RGB)

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can't read Sun raster file (8-bit compressed RGB)

Post by rbd »

Hi all,

My latest version of IM (6.7.9-5) can no longer read Sun rasterfiles I am creating. Previous versions of IM had no trouble with these files, and I can still display them with eog (CentOS 6.3). I can also display them on my Mac ('open' loads them into the OpenOffice draw program). Here's some output on my CentOS 6 system:

% file *ras
4075x4792x8bit.ras: Sun raster image data, 4075 x 4792, 8-bit, compressed, RGB colormap

% display 4075x4792x8bit.ras
display: improper image header `4075x4792x8bit.ras' @ error/sun.c/ReadSUNImage/403.

% eog 4075x4792x8bit.ras ### this works fine!

I have left a copy of the file at for anyone who wants to take a look.

I need IM to convert these files to JPEG, which it used to do, but no longer does:

% convert 4075x4792x8bit.ras xx.jpg
convert: improper image header `4075x4792x8bit.ras' @ error/sun.c/ReadSUNImage/403.

If anyone can tell me how to get this to work (or suggest another way to do the conversion under CentOS via a command-line tool without displaying it) that would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Roger Davis
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Re: can't read Sun raster file (8-bit compressed RGB)

Post by fmw42 »

I can open it in Mac GraphicConverter, but not in IM Q16 Mac OSX Snow Leopard.

I have tested identify -verbose on your image in a number of old versions of IM going back to IM and can find no version (that I tested) that will not give the following error message.

identify: improper image header `1test.ras' @ error/sun.c/ReadSUNImage/402.

However, using just identify without the -verbose does work.

I will leave the rest to the IM developers.
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Re: can't read Sun raster file (8-bit compressed RGB)

Post by rbd »

Hi Fred,

The last version of IM that I used to read these files would have been whatever was distributed with CentOS 5.7. The IM 6.5.4-7 that comes with CentOS 6.3 will not read them.

>I will leave the rest to the IM developers.

Should I do anything in particular to draw this to their attention?


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Re: can't read Sun raster file (8-bit compressed RGB)

Post by fmw42 »

It may be that the IM code is broke or the software that is creating the image is not using the proper standards for .ras? I do not know.
Should I do anything in particular to draw this to their attention?
Repost or cross post to the Bugs forum
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Re: can't read Sun raster file (8-bit compressed RGB)

Post by rbd »

Hi Fred,

I just re-posted to Bugs. The software writing the .ras files is my own, so I'm biased insofar as where the bug lies. However, it hasn't been touched for years, IM itself read the files properly for years, and other software still can.


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Re: can't read Sun raster file (8-bit compressed RGB)

Post by fmw42 »

See reply at your Bug report.
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