Identify failure

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Identify failure

Post by joe@sterling »

It seems during a multi-thousand file operation something in the filename must have been overwrote something in "identify".

Using Fedora_64 with standard installs for IM and GS.

ImageMagick 6.6.4-1 2011-11-03 Q16

GPL Ghostscript 8.71

When strace "identify" on a pdf file I get a -or just "identify".

Code: Select all

clone(child_stack=0, flags=CLONE_PARENT_SETTID|SIGCHLD, parent_tidptr=0x7fff2de3e900) = 19570
wait4(19570, Error: /undefinedfilename in (ICE=VICE=pbmraw)
If I run verbose I get no issues.

It seems it should be calling (DEVICE=xxx) vs the (ICE=VICE=xxx).

I can't find the location of that call anywhere. I've looked through every file in the /init and /usr/bin .

Thanks, Joe
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