Runtime Problem for Normal User on Windows XP SP3

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Runtime Problem for Normal User on Windows XP SP3

Post by djhreg »

After being busy for a few months, I upgraded from ImageMagick-6.7.3-Q16 to ImageMagick-6.7.4-7-Q16 to see if a previously reported problem was fixed and was pleased to see that it was (thanks!)

Unfortunately, I have a new problem. I have multiple users defined on my system. I use Administrator when doing installations or maintenance. I use a "normal" user account for all other day to day activity to have at least some level of protection against malware and even my own inadvertent mistakes.

Following the instructions, I first logged on as Administrator and used the Control Panel to uninstall ImageMagick-6.7.3-Q16. No problems uninstalling. I then installed ImageMagick-6.7.4-7-Q16 accepting all defaults. Again, no problems or error messages.

Now, if I open a DOS prompt and run my test case as an Administrator, it works perfectly:

C:\temp>convert x1.svg x1.gif


The file is rendered as expected (and the previously reported text alignment problem is fixed)

However, if I log off and log on as a normal user (no administrator privileges) and run the same test in the same directory, I get this:

C:\temp>convert x1.svg x1.gif
convert.exe: no decode delegate for this image format `x1.svg' @ error/constitut
convert.exe: missing an image filename `x1.gif' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCo


If I open the DOS prompt using "run as" and run the DOS prompt as Administrator, it works fine again.

I don't remember this being a problem in the previous version...(?)

(By the way, the previous problem which has indeed been fixed was reported here: ... =1&t=19788
and titled: "Text Offset Probem with SVG 1.1 Specification Example"



David Hetherington
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Re: Runtime Problem for Normal User on Windows XP SP3

Post by whugemann »

Sounds like there are some registry keys in HKCU which are not present for all users. Logged on a s the administrator, take a look under HKCU\Software\ImageMagick\Current and see whether all keys under there are present for all users.

See also viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20124
Wolfgang Hugemann
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