In IM 6.7.3-2 a conversion from TIFF to JP2 loses the resolu

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In IM 6.7.3-2 a conversion from TIFF to JP2 loses the resolu

Post by eddyD »

There is no resolution in the converted file
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Re: In IM 6.7.3-2 a conversion from TIFF to JP2 loses the re

Post by fmw42 »

Please define "no resolution". Can you post your exact command line and the input image you used?
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Re: In IM 6.7.3-2 a conversion from TIFF to JP2 loses the re

Post by eddyD »

I mean resolution - DPI
In IrfanView - Image properties I have
for the tiff - Resolution:72 x 72 DPI
for the jp2 - Resolution: <nothing>

If it helps I can get the metadata for both files with ExifTool.

I converted with the same result using both:

%IMMA_HOME%\convert *.tif -set filename:t %t ..\Data_final\%[filename:t].jp2
%IMMA_HOME%\convert *.tif -set filename:t %t -units PixelsPerInch -density 72x72 ..\Data_final\%[filename:t].jp2

If it is important to have the files - tell me how to attach a file to the post.
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Re: In IM 6.7.3-2 a conversion from TIFF to JP2 loses the re

Post by fmw42 »

Perhaps you have an imbedded jpg in your tif. I don't really know. But the following works just fine for me on IM Q16 Mac OSX Tiger

convert rose: -density 72 rose.tif
convert rose.tif rose.jp2
identify -verbose rose.jp2
Image: rose.jp2
Format: JP2 (JPEG-2000 File Format Syntax)
Class: DirectClass
Geometry: 70x46+0+0
Resolution: 72x72

What version of IM are you using, what platform and what version of the Jasper delegate library.?
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Re: In IM 6.7.3-2 a conversion from TIFF to JP2 loses the re

Post by eddyD »

Yes, I apologize. This was false alarm. ImageMagick's identify does show the right resolution.
I was misled by ExifTool and IrfanView showing the Resolution field without any value.
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