Possible bug creating PSD in IM Q16

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Possible bug creating PSD in IM Q16

Post by fmw42 »

IM Q16 Mac OSX tiger.

See viewtopic.php?f=1&t=19775&p=77995#p77995

My code should be creating 6 layers, the first being the flattened layer from the other 5. However, the white layer is coming out red.

convert -size 100x400 xc:none -fill yellow -draw 'rectangle 20,20 80,380' piece-0.tif
convert -size 100x400 xc:none -fill red -draw 'rectangle 20,20 80,380' piece-1.tif
convert -size 100x400 xc:none -fill green -draw 'rectangle 20,20 80,380' piece-2.tif
convert -size 100x400 xc:none -fill blue -draw 'rectangle 20,20 80,380' piece-3.tif
convert -size 100x400 xc:none -fill pink -draw 'rectangle 20,20 80,380' piece-4.tif
convert \
\( -page +410+10 piece-0.tif -background none -mosaic \) \
\( -page +310+10 piece-1.tif -background none -mosaic \) \
\( -page +210+10 piece-2.tif -background none -mosaic \) \
\( -page +110+10 piece-3.tif -background none -mosaic \) \
\( -page +10+10 piece-4.tif -background none -mosaic \) \
\( -size 600x600 xc:white \) \
\( -clone 5 -clone 0 -clone 1 -clone 2 -clone 3 -clone 4 -mosaic \) \
-reverse -crop 600x600+0+0 +repage test4.psd

Here is a screensnap from PS.

http://www.fmwconcepts.com/misc_tests/p ... icture.jpg

A simpler case is one yellow rectangle filled out to 100x400 with transparency and one white layer and then the composite layer as layer[0]

convert -size 100x400 xc:none -fill yellow -draw 'rectangle 20,20 80,380' piece-4.miff
convert piece-4.miff -size 600x600 xc:white \
\( -clone 1 -clone 0 -mosaic \) \
-reverse test5.psd
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