Thumbnail failing on large gifs

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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Thumbnail failing on large gifs

Post by realmaverick »

We've successfully used Imagemagick for several years. But we recently moved to a new more powerful set of servers but have since had issues with large gifs.

An example gif in that fails religiously is 1.1mb in size and 31 frames. Its 240x320. We're attempting to crop the image to 200x267 and 100x100.

The server has 28GB ram and imagemagick is set to use as much memory as it requires, php memory limit is set to 1GB. It was previous 256MB and we had no issues with smaller gifs.

One thing I've noticed, is that when uploading the image, it errors at 60 seconds.

We're running fastcgi if that makes any difference?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If you need anymore info, please let me know.

Thanks a lot.
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Re: Thumbnail failing on large gifs

Post by realmaverick »

I just wanted to add, that I've uploaded a 15MB image successfully, using Wordpress, it took 1:26s. (no imagemagick involved)

So it appears it's not a time based timeout. I've tweaked every setting I can think of.

Update: I've also just tried the same 15mb image, via the system that uses imagemagick and attempts to crop. It failed after 2:06s. So it appears the failure isn't time based. It appears to be hitting some kind of other limit. But the host assures me that imagemagick can take as much memory as it needs. So confused.

Cannot find any errors at all regarding the failures.
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Re: Thumbnail failing on large gifs

Post by realmaverick »

I'll pay for somebody to fix this. It's really wasting a lot of time trying to fix it myself. No settings have any effect.
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Re: Thumbnail failing on large gifs

Post by fmw42 »

I am no expert on this, but you have not provided your IM version and platform nor your exact command. It might be useful if you can post a link to the 1.1 MB file that always fails so others can test it.

If for example your system does not have enough memory to hold the input, temp and output images, then it may be thrashing to disk. You could try reading and see if that provides any useful information or techniques.
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