EXR conversion from TIF oddness

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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by magick »

As mentioned the problem you reported is fixed in ImageMagick 6.7.1-0 Beta. We'll release 6.7.1 within a few days.

With 6.7.1 we get:
  • -> convert -colorspace sRGB testchart.tif -colorspace sRGB testchart.exr
    -> compare -metric rmse testchart.exr testchart.tif null:
    6.54481 (9.98674e-05)
Yes, we know GM returns 0 error, but that's because GM does not support the EXR image format. You are instead getting TIFF. EXR has 16-bit floating point so some error is expected. If IM supported 32-bit EXR, the error would be 0.

Let's try EXR without any colorspace option:
  • -> convert testchart.tif testchart.exr
    -> compare -metric rmse testchart.exr testchart.tif null:
    6.54481 (9.98674e-05)
Now let's try with TIFF:
  • -> convert -colorspace sRGB testchart.tif -colorspace sRGB testchart-1.tif
    -> compare -metric rmse testchart-1.tif testchart.tif null:
    0 (0)
TIFF is a lossless format so we get 0 error as expected for the 1:1 roundtrip.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by troy_s »

Yes, we know GM returns 0 error, but that's because GM does not support the EXR image format. You are instead getting TIFF.
Wow. My mind is blown.

My sincerest apologies Magick.

I cannot believe that GM doesn't issue a warning or output when you attempt to convert to an unsupported image format. Ridiculous.

Looking forward to the patch. I tried trunk, but had similar issues.
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