EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by troy_s »

It seems some oddness might be present in the gamma to linear space on EXR conversions.

When using a sample image (http://www.belle-nuit.com/testchart.html) via


ImageMagick produces a lighter image it seems, suggesting the linear conversion wasn't correct.

The problem is that even when using

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convert -colorspace sRGB testchart.tif -colorspace sRGB testchart.exr
The results are closer for the curve, but the RGB values are subtly off.

Is there something I am doing incorrectly here?
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by magick »

ImageMagick assumes linear RGB. The -colorspace sRGB option tells ImageMagick to convert the linear RGB space to non-linear sRGB. If you just want to set the colorspace and not transform it, use the -set colorspace sRGB option.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by troy_s »

Is there a low level constant bug somewhere?
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by magick »

The -colorspace option is a verb. It says to transform one colorspace to another. In your example, you ask it to convert from its original colorspace to sRGB. Since the colorspace defaults to linear RGB you are asking ImageMagick to convert from linear RGB to sRGB. If you specify the original colorspace as sRGB, the -colorspace option becomes a noop since it sees the original and the colorspace requested by the -colorspace option are the same. The -set option simply sets image metadata but does not act on the pixel data:
  • convert testchart.tif -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace sRGB testchart.exr
Here -colorspace is a noop.

In ImageMagick, version 7, we may assume that an unmarked colorspace is sRGB. For version 6, we assume linear RGB. The lesson learned here is that all image data must have a declared colorspace. The most promising solution is to associate a proper color profile with each image file. If testchart.tif included a sRGB color profile with it we would not need to guess which colorspace is associated with the image pixels. Without a proper color profile, we provide the -set colorspace option to declare the colorspace.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by troy_s »

What I am trying to explain (extremely poorly I'd add ;) ) is that there is no way to get a perfect 1:1 conversion of that testchart.tif. Or if there is, I have yet to discover it.

Setting the input colorspace to sRGB and the output to sRGB is close, but it is not 1:1.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by magick »

The sRGB transform is floating point and may not give a 1:1 roundtrip. We'll investigate. We could also skip the transform if the input and output colorspaces are both sRGB. Or you can use -set colorspace sRGB and not use the -colorspace option. We'll investigate and add a patch to ImageMagick 6.7.1-0 once we decide the best path forward.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by troy_s »

Thank you very much.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by magick »

Ok, we're getting a 1:1 roundtrip under certain circumstances. Try this:
  • convert testchart.tif -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace sRGB -depth 8 testchart.miff
    compare -metric rmse testchart.miff testchart.tif null:
    0 (0)
When we write to EXR instead, we get minimal error which is expected since EXR pixels are stored as 16-bit floating point values:
  • convert testchart.tif -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace sRGB -depth 8 testchart.exr
    compare -metric rmse testchart.exr testchart.tif null:
    6.54481 (9.98674e-05)
We added a patch to ImageMagick 6.7.1-0 Beta to make -colorspace sRGB a noop for other image formats such as PNG.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by troy_s »

It seems entirely odd that one can't get a 1:1 going to a greater bit depth. Something seems wrong.

Several other packages manage it. I don't think everything is in order, but I cannot be certain. GM appears to do a transform perfectly, but perhaps it is off too. If it is however, it would seem to be a lesser degree.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by magick »

We double checked the linear RGB to sRGB formula's and they appear to be correct. We added a patch to ImageMagick 6.7.1-0 to assume sRGB when the colorspace is undeclared as recommended in Wikipedia:
  • If the color space of an image is unknown and it is an 8- to 16-bit image format, assuming it is in the sRGB color space is a safe choice.
Your command now returns a 1:1 roundtrip for lossless encoding. There is a small error for EXR because EXR has 16-bit floating point values.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by troy_s »


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convert -colorspace sRGB testchart.tif -colorspace sRGB testchart.exr
Is still yielding an image that is too bright. What is the command you are using?

It looks now like it has done a double linearization as only applying a gamma of 2.2ish brings the look back into line with the source image?

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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by fmw42 »

see above where he has

convert testchart.tif -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace sRGB -depth 8 testchart.exr
freds-mac-mini:~ fred$ compare -metric rmse testchart.exr testchart.tif null:
6.54481 (9.98674e-05)

Visually they look the same to me.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by troy_s »

I bet you are using display to display them however, yes?

The screenshots are from Nuke. Identical results in Blender as well, with the same process. It should be noted that both apply an inverse gamma correction on sRGB spaced images and nothing on linear EXR formats. All formats are corrected on out, which indicates that ImageMagick is doubling up the linearization it appears.

To confirm this, we can apply gamma nodes of approximately sRGB's 2.2 and see the proper result.

Original TIF (lower right) versus ImageMagick EXR (top left) output:
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by fmw42 »

Did you apply the correct command line as per what I mentioned and Magick identified before?

If so and IM gives you a compare of 0, then the image data itself is identical. the only possible difference would be in the meta data and how applications display the image using the meta data.

I am not an expert on sRGB or other non-linear formats, so all I can say is that IM is converting the image data properly when converting it. The issue would be on what meta-data is transferred from input to output and how display devices (like Nuke) make use of it or make assumptions if it is missing or non-existent for any given image format.

At this point, you will have to explain what you believe is the issue as I am not expert enough on this topic and I will leave it between you and Magick.
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Re: EXR conversion from TIF oddness

Post by troy_s »

The problem appears to be ImageMagick is converting the file incorrectly.

The EXR is fundamentally incorrect, as tested with Nuke, Blender, and Houdini.

So while it is possible that these three applications are displaying the EXR incorrectly, part of me doubts it. Doubly so considering that the conversion out of GraphicsMagic is not only a perfect 1:1 of the source file, but also displays the EXR result correctly and as expected.

I'm willing to do further tests, but I am stuck with wondering what to do.

Nuke PLE and Houdini Apprentice are both free downloads to test the EXRs against. Blender as well, although not quite an industry standard tool as the previous two.
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