PSD bugs

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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PSD bugs

Post by benogle »

I recently received a few files from a designer and exported them with ImageMagick 6.6.7-1 2011-02-14

(note: all files run with the command convert input.psd[0] -verbose out.png )

The files were 1020x1900, but they were being chopped off about mid way:

I did some mucking around. If I remove the background layer, all is well:

I thought maybe I could recreate with a fresh file. I was not able to get the same behavior, but slightly different in that the file is scaled in the x direction, and a black bar (or many in this case) showed on the right side.

I did some more mucking around. And it seems if I use the paint bucket tool with a color of white, this happens. If I simply fill it with any other color, all is well:

I will try the bleeding edge version of IM.

Any help or cmd line options that may fix this would be great. Thanks

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Re: PSD bugs

Post by fmw42 »

You file has a text layer a background layer and an alpha channel that is half white and half black (at the bottom). The resulting image looks chopped off because of the alpha channel which makes the bottom transparent. I don't know where the blue stripes come from when looking at it in PS.

So try this:

convert chop-test.psd[0] -alpha off chop-test3.png

The first layer is the flattened layer and I turn off the alpha channel. So you see the full white background with the text.
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