Problems combining tif's into a pdf file

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Problems combining tif's into a pdf file

Post by RStakenas »

ImageMagick 6.7.0 Q16 Dynamic on Win7 64bit with 8gB memory ...combining 220 tifs (ave size 50k) into a single pdf file (expected size 11mB).

Currently trying to run with the "static" version.

It reads all 220 files, then opens the pdf file ... starts to write and gets 'memory allocation' errors ... continues for a while and crashes the system.

Physical memory is showing 8gB although I don't know if it is using all of it. Virtual Memory is set to 12gB+ per Win7 'recommendation'. Task manager (running static version) is showing 99% of physical memory used although the 77 processes running don't add up to near 8gB ... barely showing 100mB in use ...

Where do I start?

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Re: Problems combining tif's into a pdf file

Post by RStakenas »

Follow up ... using the static version it got a bit farther before dying ... still getting memory allocation errors ... watching memory use in Task Manager showed a 'committed' of just over 18gB, Max used about 6.5 gB, working memory (two flavors) grew to about 450mB, varied from about 420-450 a few times then crashed.

Physical memory usage hovered arount 99% for the duration of the run.

Not sure it's using the entire 8gB of physical memory ... seems awful unusual for, what should be, an 11mB output file.

Any suggestions, ideas welcome.

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Re: Problems combining tif's into a pdf file

Post by RStakenas »

Second follow up ... giving up on 220 pages for now ... started another 1300 documents processing ... smooth sailing ... no documents greater than 100 pages (tifs) in this set ... watched a 77 page document process to completion ... memory usage held just shy of 7gB while writing the pdf ... not sure why a 4.6mB file can need that much memory ... physical memory during that time never got above 95% ... so the "error" with the 220tif document seems to be running out of physical memory (8gB) and then not being able to cope ... would have thought that that's when the virtual memory should kick in ...

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Re: Problems combining tif's into a pdf file

Post by magick »

Add '-limit area 0' to the beginning of your command line. See if that fixes the problem.
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Re: Problems combining tif's into a pdf file

Post by RStakenas »

That worked VERY WELL THANK YOU! As well as much faster while NOT eating my computer.

Next question, where/how should I have looked to find the "-limits area 0" option and know that it would solve the problem?

From the -h help, it doesn't give the slightest impression that it would affect the operation of the program as described.

Other question:

What does the -limits actually do? What is the normal operation that eats memory for this process.

Thanks again for your help!

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Re: Problems combining tif's into a pdf file

Post by magick »

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