Blank wmf file from Word thumbnail

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Blank wmf file from Word thumbnail

Post by TopSolid »


On Windows I try to display a wmf file (thumbnail.wmf) which is the embedded thumbnail of docx file. With IMdisplay it is always blank, and with other software (Xnview for instance) it is OK. Any idea ? I've tried to install libwmf but does not seem to communicate with IM...

Easy to reproduce:
1 Create a new file with MS Word 2007
2 Insert an image and some texts
3 Save as .docx
4 Rename as .zip and unzip it
5 Open Docprops/thumbnail.wmf with IMdisplay.

Thanks for any ideas!

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Re: Blank wmf file from Word thumbnail

Post by anthony »

After installing libwmf, you may need to re-install (recompile?) IM so that it can create the coder that uses that library.
If the coder is already present it should find that library, but under linux you can check that using the "ldd" command on teh coder module to ss it it finds all its libraries.


Code: Select all

  ldd /usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.6.9/modules-Q16/coders/
    .... => /usr/lib/ (0x00612000)
which shows that on my system the coder module does find the right library.

Essentually IM will fail to load the coder module if the library dependency is not present. In which case the format is not available for use. This allows IM to continue to work even when some coders do not have their required dependencies. Making the library optional rather than required.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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Re: Blank wmf file from Word thumbnail

Post by TopSolid »

Thanks for your feedback Anthony.

After IM reinstallation, no difference. I have checked dependency of \ImageMagick\modules\coders\IM_MOD_RL_wmf_.dll (is that the equivalent on Windows ?) and it does not call any external libraries. It just says IESHIMS.DLL is missing.
I use ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-dll.exe and libwmf on Windows 7 x64.

What is weird is that even without libwmf, IM can read some wmf but not all of them. I can send you 2 wmf for testing.

Any clue?

Thanks for your help...

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Re: Blank wmf file from Word thumbnail

Post by anthony »

No sorry no clue.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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Re: Blank wmf file from Word thumbnail

Post by TopSolid »

Any ideas so far? I have tried to use exiftool to read wmf but format not supported yet...

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