GIF save failure

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GIF save failure

Post by anthony »

This works to save a black circle on transparent background (PNG)

Code: Select all

convert +antialias -size 15x15 xc:none -draw 'circle 7,7 3,3'  ball.png
But save to GIF fails...

Code: Select all

convert +antialias -size 15x15 xc:none -draw 'circle 7,7 3,3'  ball.gif
Result is just a black square!

It was working last time I ran this (about a year ago)
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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Re: GIF save failure

Post by straycat264 »

Yeah - I get this consistently, and have done for the last few versions of IM.

It only seems to happen for small images. If you up the size to 15x18 or larger, it should work fine. Not a great solution, but the only one I've found to date.
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