jpg negated with -thumbnail option

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jpg negated with -thumbnail option

Post by jsasitorn »

When using the -thumbnail option in imagemagick 6.3.7 11/17/10, I got an image that became negated (negative b&w).

Code: Select all

convert -thumbnail 400x350 -format jpg image.jpg  result.jpg


A normal resize performs as expected.

Code: Select all

convert -resize 400x350 -format jpg image.jpg  normal.jpg

Is this a bug? Or am I not using this correctly?

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Re: jpg negated with -thumbnail option

Post by jsasitorn »

Never mind.. Figured it out. Its from the -strip option (-thumbnail does an implicit call to this). The -strip was removing the color profile, which is CYMK..

And I guess CYMK simply stripped of the profile is a negated RGB.
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