IM 6.6.6-10: Bug converting icos/Hangs converting to PNG

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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IM 6.6.6-10: Bug converting icos/Hangs converting to PNG

Post by Rosch »


I still got HUGE trouble converting Windows ICO files to JPG/PNG if they have a size of 128x128. I already posted here half a year ago
(see viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16634). But nothing has changed since then :(

I just tried the current version of IM (6.6.6-10) to see if something has changed, but it got even more worse. On a specific Icon convert now hangs totally. I uploaded the image to Open the zip. I just contains one image.

Error message when converting to jpg
$ convert test_128x128.ico -quality 100 test_128x128.jpg
Empty JPEG image (DNL not supported)
It results in 0 byte jpg file

Hangs when converting to png
$ convert test_128x128.ico -quality 100 test_128x128.png
Hangs here.

When will this be fixed?

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Re: IM 6.6.6-10: Bug converting icos/Hangs converting to PNG

Post by magick »

We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.6.7-0 Beta available by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.
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Re: IM 6.6.6-10: Bug converting icos/Hangs converting to PNG

Post by Rosch »

magick wrote:We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.6.7-0 Beta available by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.
Thank you very very much! I appreciate your patch really... I am still running 6.4.8 here because of all this trouble with 6.6.x.

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