Unable to create thumbnail for TIFF image with channels

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Unable to create thumbnail for TIFF image with channels

Post by Ruvan »

Hi all

I've run into an issue with convert.exe on Windows.

We have been using Imagemagick for a couple of years without encountering this issue.

It's this image: http://www.fernando.dk/SEP_12_SBE_box_shot.tif, which has a 2 channels and 3 paths embedded.

I normally create thumbnails like this:

Code: Select all

convert -flatten -strip -geometry 100x100 -colorspace RGB d:\SEP_12_SBE_box_shot.tif d:\output.jpg
And this generates this image: Image

It should have looked like so: Image (generated from photoshop)

It's clear that ImageMagick is using the first channel (Alpha 1) and applying that. How do I tell it not to use the channel?

I've tried removing -flatten, -strip and -colorspace. Same result. If I remove the channels, then it works.

Version info:
Os: Windows 7 pro, 64bit.
Imagemagick: 6.6.0-5 2010-03-08 Q16

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Unable to create thumbnail for TIFF image with channels

Post by snibgo »

"-alpha off" works for me, eg:

Code: Select all

convert SEP_12_SBE_box_shot.tif -alpha off -resize 100x100 -strip x.jpg
Windows 7, 6.6.2-4.
snibgo's IM pages: im.snibgo.com
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Re: Unable to create thumbnail for TIFF image with channels

Post by magick »

ImageMagick currently only supports reading the first TIFF extra-samples as the alpha channel. You could of course add +matte to your command line to remove the alpha channel to get the desired results. To use an extra-sample other than the first, a patch is required to ImageMagick. We'll add it to the list of enhancements but it may be some time before we implement it.
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Re: Unable to create thumbnail for TIFF image with channels

Post by Ruvan »

snibgo wrote:"-alpha off" works for me, eg:

Code: Select all

convert SEP_12_SBE_box_shot.tif -alpha off -resize 100x100 -strip x.jpg
Ah, I think it's a combination of -alpha off and -resize, opposed to -geometry

because, -geometry and -alpha off still produces the incorrect.

Many thanks!
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