display doesn't show window borders for svg/ps

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display doesn't show window borders for svg/ps

Post by knaylomo »

CentOS 5

When using display to view svg and ps files under KDE, the window borders and top bar do not show up (borderless) so that the window can't be moved around. The borders show up if I view bmp/jpg/png files. When using the KDE system operations advanced menu for that window, "No Border" is checked and greyed out.
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Re: display doesn't show window borders for svg/ps

Post by anthony »

This would be a bug in you window manager.

On my system (using an openbox window manager, though it is the same with many other window managers I have used) such windows are also borderless, but they still have a title bar. I also have window options that I can use without even needing a border.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages

Re: display doesn't show window borders for svg/ps

Post by knaylomo »

The main question I have is why are SVG and PS files displayed borderless in the first place? I can get to certain window options also without needing a border, but I don't understand why some file formats are displayed borderless whereas others have the border.
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Re: display doesn't show window borders for svg/ps

Post by anthony »

Because they have a transparent background and are using A palete color screme.
that means they generally only use boolean transparency like GIF.

PNG has semi-transparent colors so it uses a chequerboard background as X Windows traditionally can not handle semi-transparency.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages

Re: display doesn't show window borders for svg/ps

Post by smm553 »

anthony wrote:Because they have a transparent background and are using A palete color screme.
that means they generally only use boolean transparency like GIF.

PNG has semi-transparent colors so it uses a chequerboard background as X Windows traditionally can not handle semi-transparency.
The question is about window borders, not image backgrounds.

knaylomo is right, there is an issue with the window border for images displayed with 'display' when using KDE. Someone else has pointed this out here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16233&start=0.

This happens for me regardless of transparency or not. Normally, when you display an image, there is a window border and title bar on it, and you can move the image around on your screen. However, under KDE, when I view an eps or similar file format, there is no window border or title bar. The image is fixed in the upper left hand corner of the screen, as if it were part of the desktop. However, it remains sensitive to mouse clicks, so you can close the file if you wish.

I recently switch from GNOME, and this was not a problem under that window manager.

I promise you, I get this to happen whether there is an alpha channel or not in my image, so it is not a transparency problem.

Has anybody figured out how to fix this? It is frustrating when trying to open several images at once and not being able to move them about the screen.
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