Convert to Ico

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Convert to Ico

Post by adiian »

I'm trying to convert an image 28x28 to an icon of 24x24. When I convert it to a png of 24x24 it works fine.

I've tried to:
1. convert directly: convert original28x28.png -scale 24x24! icon.ico
2. using different filters: convert original28x28.png -filter Cubic -scale 24x24! icon.ico
3. using resize: convert original28x28.png -resize 24x24! icon.ico
4. resizing to a png then converting to ico:
convert original28x28.png -filter Cubic -scale 24x24! icon.png
convert icon.png icon.ico
5. convert directly: convert original28x28.png icon.ico
6. convert to other dimensions.

All the results looks the same. I'm using the following version on linux, I'm not the admin of the machine and can not install other version. Is this a bug related to ico files?

Version: ImageMagick 6.2.7 06/08/06 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ImageMagick Studio LLC

Here are the captures for the image I'm converting:

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Re: Convert to Ico

Post by snibgo »

If you post the URL of the original28x28.png, someone can try your commands with a more recent IM.
snibgo's IM pages:
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Re: Convert to Ico

Post by fmw42 »

Your IM 6.2.7 is over 350 versions behind. Many bugs have been fixed. You really need to upgrade if you can.

Re: Convert to Ico

Post by adiian »

Thanks, Ive tried on another machine with a newer version and it works fine. It seems to be an old bug which has been fixed. The result is online on
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