Potential EXIF bug

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Potential EXIF bug

Post by jeffshaddix »

Hey folks, I'm having a problem with losing EXIF data during TIFF->JPG conversion.

While some applications like Windows Vista Properties dialog can see the transformed EXIF tags, others like Irfanview, and the Gallery 2 EXIF plugin (my use case) cannot. Can anyone shed some light on why this might be?

The TIFF files I'm using originate from Adobe Lightroom 2.0. I'm using version ImageMagick 6.6.0-5. Let me know what other information you need.

Note: I don't have issues viewing EXIF data in Irfanview and the Gallery EXIF plugin if I export from Lightroom straight to JPEG, thus the prblem is in the conversion process with imagemagick.
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Re: Potential EXIF bug

Post by magick »

Post a URL to one of your images and the ImageMagick command you are using. We need to reproduce the problem before we can offer any help.

Re: Potential EXIF bug

Post by jeffshaddix »

Sure thing:

Lightroom TIFF: http://www.jeffshaddix.com/Wolf-Lightroom.tif
Lightroom JPG: http://www.jeffshaddix.com/Wolf-Lightroom.jpg
ImageMagick JPG: http://www.jeffshaddix.com/Wolf-ImageMagick.jpg

The last image was created with the command: convert -quality 80 Wolf-Lightroom.tif Wolf-ImageMagick.jpg
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Re: Potential EXIF bug

Post by magick »

We've had problems extracting EXIF tags from a TIFF image due to some problems with the libtiff delegate library (we would get seg faults for some TIFF images from the libTIFF library). Because of the problems, ImageMagick does not extract EXIF from TIFF. We will revisit the issue and see if we can get it working again.

Re: Potential EXIF bug

Post by jeffshaddix »

I opened up both JPEG's in a hex editor, and I saw the EXIF data in both, but each one is in a slightly different format. All the tags from the TIFF file are there, just in a different XML format. Any idea why this would be?
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Re: Potential EXIF bug

Post by magick »

Its possible the EXIF is embedded within the 8BIM resource. We may be able to get to this problem by the weekend and will have more information then.
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