FAIL: tests/ (exit: 139)

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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FAIL: tests/ (exit: 139)

Post by P2O2 »

My rig:
MoBo: ASRock M3A785GM-LE/128M with ATI Radeon 4200 on board
Athlon II X2 245
GNU/Linux Debian 5.0.4 amd64 (clean x64, I didn't installed any emul lib32s)

I failed to compile the newest IM sources.

Configure command:

Code: Select all

./configure --with-x --with-windows-font-dir=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts -enable-shared=no --with-gslib=yes
Before that, I changed kernel .config file then compile it and the new kernel worked and works OK.

Code: Select all

# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set

Code: Select all

# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set
Nothing else has been changed in .config file.
Then I compiled ATI Catalyst for Linux with 100% success.

Alas IM compilation failed as the "make check" tests revealed the following:

Code: Select all

   ImageMagick 6.5.9: ./test-suite.log   
2 of 47 tests failed.  
.. contents:: :depth: 2
FAIL: tests/ (exit: 139)
Version: ImageMagick 6.5.9-7 2010-02-18 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2010 ImageMagick Studio LLC
ImageMagick Validation Suite (FormatsOnDisk)
  test 219: ICO/Undefined/TrueColor/12-bits... pas./tests/ line 23:  5403 Segmentation fault      ${VALIDATE} -validate formats-on-disk
  test 219: ICO/Undefined/TrueColor/12-bits..../tests/ line 23:  5424 Segmentation fault      ${VALIDATE} -validate formats-in-memory
The "convert" app generated the following message (after I issued "make install"):

Code: Select all

pp@jola:~/data/testbed/imgs.nsm.001k$ convert gqvp-nsm-000001.jpg -thumbnail 166x125 a.jpg
convert: JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is 848, caller expects 632 `gqvp-nsm-000001.jpg' @ error/jpeg.c/EmitMessage/233.
convert: missing an image filename `a.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2919.
Makefile, test-suit.log, and other files were packed and can be d/loaded from my website:

Best regards
Przemysław Pawełczyk (P2O2)
(pren. Pshemislav Paveltchik)

Re: FAIL: tests/ (exit: 139)

Post by P2O2 »

I have forgotten to add that

1) display window opened as usual but with a light wink (flicker), and that I was able to open png image file then decreased its size and increase without a problem. But convert failed miserably.

2) my FLAGS were set to:
CFLAGS="-m64 -march=amdfam10 -O3 -pipe"
CPPFLAGS="-m64 -march=amdfam10 -O3 -pipe"
CXXFLAGS="-m64 -march=amdfam10 -O3 -pipe"

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Re: FAIL: tests/ (exit: 139)

Post by magick »

We cannot reproduce the ICO fault. To investigate further, post a stack trace so we can determine where the fault occurs in the ImageMagick source.

Try compiling ImageMagick without setting any flags. Its possible one of your flags is causing the JPEG structure to align differently than the dynamic JPEG library present on your system. Use Google, descriptions of this problem is prevalent.

Re: FAIL: tests/ (exit: 139)

Post by P2O2 »

Thanks for the two tips.

1) stack/trace
I'm not programmer and from what I read from googled posts it is not so simple matter. I tried to use "intuitively" the -g option in xxxFLAGS then "gdb" command, but to no avail. Perhaps a few tips from your side would make my life easier. My day counts only 24 hours not 25 or more.

2) JPEG issue
I tried no flags, flags with -g, I did also compile libjpeg from sources to get rid of any inconsistencies (the "new" jconfig.h and the old one were different as I compiled the new one with strong 64 bit flags (-m64 -march=amdfam10 -O3 -pipe, as usual)):

Code: Select all

root@jola:/usr/include# diff jconfig.h jconfig.h.orig 
< #define HAVE_STDDEF_H 
< #define HAVE_STDLIB_H 
> #define DEFAULT_MAX_MEM 1073741824
then I installed libjasper for JPEG2000 processing which I didn't included earlier, and all the time the two errors from your side were present, namely:

Code: Select all

FAIL: tests/
FAIL: tests/
I decided these two errors belong to IM, but as I said I'm not a programmer.
Perhaps you could explain what these errors mean. I would then have a clue where to search for. The first thing I/we should do is to get rid of the messages from "make check" valuation, not from "convert file.jpg file.png" processing.

Best regards
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