Installation problem

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Installation problem

Post by Binome »

I want to install 6.5.7-4 on a Kubuntu 9.10 system because the release found in the distribution is not sufficient. But I'm not able to install it:
- I tried to convert the .rpm package to a .deb one with 'sudo alien ImageMagick-6.5.7-4.i386.rpm --to-deb' but I get the following error: 'error: incorrect format: unknown tag' and then the installation won't work.
- I tried to install from the sources. Everything seems to go fine (log files here: but when I try a command ('display' for example) I got that: 'display: symbol lookup error: display: undefined symbol: MagickCommandGenesis
Can someone help me making it work?

Re: Installation problem

Post by erotavlas_turbo »


to solve your problem you can type /sbin/ldconfig as reported here viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9326
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