Conversion to mpg problem

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Conversion to mpg problem

Post by zymosis »


First of all, thanks for this great piece of software.

However I see a problem. I am converting to mpg´s for a while now with IM6.4.0 Now I saw that for certain files you lose a lot of colour information of a file.

I have tried converting to 6.5.8 and All the colours are there! Isn´t that great????

Unfortunatly, none of my applications accept the newly generated mpg files (for example irfanview). Quicktime does not see any problem Though.

I have looked a little bit into MPEG specs and I have found that an MPEG file needs to end (in hex format) in 00 00 00 01b. IM6.4.0 does this.

IM6.5.8 converts to mpg and the file ends like this: ac 0f ff ff ff ff ... and this stuffing continous

This difference tells me that the conversion does not create an MPEG according to the specifications of MPEG

convert.exe -resize 1280x720 -quality 100 test.mpg
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