Weird .jpg causes Exception 410: no images defined

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Weird .jpg causes Exception 410: no images defined

Post by wpns »

I'm going through a bunch of files looking for differences:

# read the (next) file
@$Image = (); # clear out the old image
$status = $Image->Read($file);
warn "$status" if "$status";

# downsize it 50%
$status = $Image->AdaptiveResize('50%');
warn "$status" if "$status";
# label that image
$LabelText = sprintf(" 20%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s",[stuff]);
$status = $Image->Annotate(text=>$LabelText,undercolor=>'black',fill=>'white',font=>'Times-Roman',pointsize=>15,gravity=>'SouthWest');
warn "$status" if "$status";

# see how much it changed since the last one
@$Difference = ();
$Difference = $Image->Compare(image=>$Previous, metric=>'PSNR');
$SNRdelta = $Difference->Get('error');
printf ("[ %f ]",$SNRdelta);

but on certain files, the Read doesn't throw an exception but the I get the following warnings:
Exception 410: no images defined `AdaptiveResize' @ Magick.xs/XS_Image__Magick_Mogrify/6910 at line 115.
Exception 410: no images defined `Annotate' @ Magick.xs/XS_Image__Magick_Mogrify/6910 at line 139.
Can't locate object method "Get" via package "Exception 410: no images defined `Image::Magick' @ Magick.xs/XS_Image__Magick_Compare/3071" (perhaps you forgot to load "Exception 410: no images defined `Image::Magick' @ Magick.xs/XS_Image__Magick_Compare/3071"?) at line 146.

And then it reads the _next_ file, which is OK, and at $SNRdelta = $Difference->Get('error'); I'm back at the shell prompt with no error messages.

One of the offending files is at ... -27-85.jpg
and a good one is at ... -07-91.jpg
if that helps.

Yeah, I know I should do something with the warnings, and get the camera to stop writing garbage files (and I'm working on those issues), but shouldn't ->Get('error') throw an error? And/Or shouldn't the ->Read on the broken file tell me something's wrong?

I'm running ImageMagick-6.5.7-4 from yesterday. 8*)

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Re: Weird .jpg causes Exception 410: no images defined

Post by magick »

We can reproduce the problem you posted and will have a fix for it in the next point release of ImaegMagick. Thanks.
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