RegSvr32 Fails to Register ImageMagickObject.dll

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RegSvr32 Fails to Register ImageMagickObject.dll

Post by StephenG »

I have tried to install all versions of the Windows binary distributions and I keep getting the following error.
LoadLibrary("C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.5.5-Q8\ImageMagickObject.dd") failed - This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application my fix this problem.

Reinstalling does not fix the problem and the application will not run, the test procedure
convert logo: image.jpg fails with the following message. "The system cannot execute the specified program"

Does anyone have any clues? As I have said, I have tried installing every available version of the binaries for Windows and get the same error installing all of them. I am running XP Service Pack 3 in a Active Directory Domain environment. I am an administrator on the box and I am installing from an administrator account.
I have tried manually registering the Dll and had the exact same results.

Re: RegSvr32 Fails to Register ImageMagickObject.dll

Post by BuddhaBuddy »

I am getting the same problem.

I am installing on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP3, and have a previous version (6.5.1) which has been removed from the path.

Re: RegSvr32 Fails to Register ImageMagickObject.dll

Post by BuddhaBuddy »

I didn't notice the warning at the bottom of the Windows binaries page. Installing the mentioned Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) fixed the problem.
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