IMDisplay destroys every file with File/Save

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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IMDisplay destroys every file with File/Save

Post by Blueteeth »

I just installed ImageMagick-6.5.5-4-Q8-windows-static.exe. Every time I open a image with it, and activate File/Save afterwards, my image-file ends up having a length of 0! There was no sign on the UI indicating a problem.

I verified the behavior with images of quite different nature:
a) uncompressed multipage tiff with iptc data and warnings during loading (created with FreeImage)
b) simple uncompressed singlepage tiff (created by Irfan)
c) big JPEG (created by my Canon).
Every of these images in gone now.

Since I do not know how to add a image to the post and it seems, the probem is independent from the concrete image, I do not provide a sample now. Should you have trouble reproducing the problem anyway, let me know how to provide a sample, and I'll send it right away.

with regards
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Re: IMDisplay destroys every file with File/Save

Post by magick »

imdisplay is an unfinished contributed program. We've been waiting for a number of years now hoping a user will complete the program including finishing the File / Save menu entry. We're primarily Linux developers and do not possess the skills required for Windows MFC projects.

Re: IMDisplay destroys every file with File/Save

Post by Blueteeth »

How about removing the File/Save menu then? Or placing somewhere a warning, that inspite of the high quality, ImageMagick is known for in generall, this piece is just pre-alpha? If that's all not possible, change the content of the File/Save method, so, that it just does nothing.
Software, that destorys data should not be delivered!
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