Batch Convert TIF to PNG with transparency color

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Batch Convert TIF to PNG with transparency color

Post by exort »


I need to batch convert TIF files to PNG and set the transparent color to blue. I tried to use mogrify.exe from the portable download 6.5.3-Q16. Here's the command I used:

mogrify -format png -transparent blue *.tif

It does the conversion to png but only set the transparency to the first processed image. The rest of my png are not transparent. I'm aslo getting this message as the ouput:

C:\TIF>mogrify -format png -transparent blue *.tif
mogrify: MeetBDTR_Man0001.tif: invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order. `TIFF
ReadDirectory' @ tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/525.

Any ideas ?

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Re: Batch Convert TIF to PNG with transparency color

Post by magick »

We can reproduce the problem you posted and will have a fix by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.

Re: Batch Convert TIF to PNG with transparency color

Post by exort »

Wow, thanks so much!

Re: Batch Convert TIF to PNG with transparency color

Post by exort »

Is the fix available yet ? Can I be pointed to a link ?

Thanks so much!
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Re: Batch Convert TIF to PNG with transparency color

Post by magick »

Download the latest ImageMagick release from

Re: Batch Convert TIF to PNG with transparency color

Post by exort »

Still not working, am I doing something wrong ? I just tried with version 6.5.3-6 2009-06-12 Q16

Let me knows.
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Re: Batch Convert TIF to PNG with transparency color

Post by magick »

We have a development and release servers. The patch apparently did not make it from our development to the release server. We will rectify that problem tomorrow. Apologies.

Re: Batch Convert TIF to PNG with transparency color

Post by exort »

I just tried the latest portable release of mogrify.exe. Bug is fixed!!!

Thanks so much guys!
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Re: Batch Convert TIF to PNG with transparency color

Post by Strast »

I hate to revive such an old post, but I just got this error..

Code: Select all

C:\slides\nov2011>mogrify -format jpg *.tif
mogrify.exe: Invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order. `TIFFReadDirectoryCheckOrder' @ warning/tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/761.

Version: ImageMagick 6.7.3-6 2011-11-10 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP
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