problem converting from pdf to tiff & with Win Vista

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problem converting from pdf to tiff & with Win Vista

Post by farmer »


I'm using IM 6.4.7-Q16 on Windows Vista. Starting with file.tif which identify shows to have 300x300 resolution, I do

convert -density 300x300 file.tif file.pdf

and then either

(a) convert file.pdf file2.tiff


(b) convert -density 300x300 file.pdf file2.tiff

The file.pdf is fine.
In case (a) the output has the original page images squashed into the bottom left corner of the page (about 1/4 of the x-size and 1/4 of the y-size; maybe 72/300).
In case (b) I haven't successfully seen convert finish. It just runs for a long time, and my free hard disk space gradually decreases as it does. The original file.tif and the file.pdf are both < 2MB, but I've watched my hard disk space drop by a few Gig during one run of convert. Anyone know what's going on?

A second issue: this is part of a script that deals with various input image files, in which I need to produce tiffs readable by Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI). For some reason if I convert directly, for instance:

jpg -> tiff

with convert, the output is not readable by MODI, and looks garbled in the Vista image viewer - however, I tried uploading one to Google pages, and it looked fine there. But

jpg -> pdf -> tiff

works - the output tiff is fine. Likewise, I thought I might have some input tiffs that MODI can't read, in which case the

tiff -> pdf -> tiff

should provide a readable one. That's why I'm doing the conversions above. Anyone know about this stuff?

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