montage with crop hangs

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Re: montage with crop hangs

Post by Bonzo »

Why do you not use convert and append ?

Not sure what you exactly want but try:

Code: Select all

convert december-08-lettersoup-nocal-1680x1050.jpg december-08-santa_flying-calendar-1280x1024.jpg +append -crop 2960x1050+0+0 -quality 100 wallpaper.jpg
I must say those are some crappy filenames with - and x in them :?
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Re: montage with crop hangs

Post by magick »

Not sure it will help, but your command works without complaint using the current ImageMagick release 6.4.7-6.
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