convert segfault with -polaroid

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convert segfault with -polaroid

Post by _maekke_ »


a gentoo user reported a regression in imagemagick-6.4.5-7 (imagemagick-6.4.4-6 works) with the -polaroid option of convert.
the steps to reproduce are:

Code: Select all

convert 1.jpg -polaroid 10 1.png"
which results in

Code: Select all

Segfault or "glibc free ********"
the gdb backtrace is located here, the bug report is located here.

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Re: convert segfault with -polaroid

Post by magick »

We cannot reproduce this problem with the latest release, 6.4.6-5. If you are unable to upgrade and require a patch against ImageMagick 6.4.5-7 let us know and we will post a patch for the problem here.
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