Problem with black image while adding text

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Problem with black image while adding text

Post by zwindvincent »

Dear all,

I have faced the following problem.

When I try the following command:

convert inputimage.tif -gravity NorthEast -pointsize 55 -draw "text 150,45 'Hello World'" outputimage.tif

the output image is a fully black image rather than a image with text.The inputimage.tif is a Bi-level image.

However , the text can be added when I using another GrayScale tif image (inputimage2.tif ) , the text can be added.

Thus, I would like to convert the inputimage.tif to Grayscale such that text could be added on it. I use the following command:

convert -type Grayscale inputimage.tif grayimage.tif

the command could run with no error but the when i check the grayimage.tif (i use identify -verbose grayimage.tif ) , the type is still Bilevel.

So, could anyone helps me to change a Bilevel tif image to Grayscale image?

For details, please see this post:


Re: Problem with black image while adding text

Post by zwindvincent »

For sample image , please provide an email address such that I could send to you to investigate. ( Sorry that I can't post the image here as it is a confidential document ) . Many thx.

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