SVG stretched?

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SVG stretched?

Post by spatialminds »

I have an SVG file that displays correctly in Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator, Firefox, and the Adobe IE SVG plugin but displays horizontally stretched in Image Magick's IM_Display program or in my application that uses Magick++. I'm using ImageMagick-6.4.5.

Any suggestions on how to prevent this?

The original SVG Image is available at: ... c/Jeep.svg

Stretched Image as incorrectly shown in Image Magick Display Program

Streteched Image generated via Magick++.

Code: Select all"myimage.svg"); 

Image shown correctly in Inkscape

Thank you for the help,
Last edited by spatialminds on 2008-11-07T20:52:12-07:00, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SVG stretched?

Post by magick »

Our initial suggestions is to post a URL to your SVG file so we can download it and reproduce the problem. Another suggestion is to try the latest release of ImageMagick to see if the problem persists.

Re: SVG stretched?

Post by spatialminds »

Thank you for the suggestions. I edited my original post to include the Magick version and a link to the SVG.

I believe I am using the latest version of ImageMagick (6.4.5).


Re: SVG stretched?

Post by spatialminds »

This only seems to be happening with SVG files that are edited in Inkscape.

I still find it odd that this only shows up in ImageMagick as a problem and it might be something worth looking into as a bug, but it no longer affects our ability to move forward (we are going to use Illustrator).

While it doesn't affect us directly anymore, if someone is going to look into this, please let me know if I can help in anyway.


Re: SVG stretched?

Post by spatialminds »

More experimentation with Inkscape because I like this program so much. :)

Initiale tests indicate that the problem goes away if the Zoom to Fit Page button is pressed before saving. I didn't do a diff on the SVG to determine how that changes the underlying document, but it could be helpful for someone looking into this.
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