Magick++ SVG support under Mac OSX

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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Magick++ SVG support under Mac OSX

Post by vtagle-qsi »


I'm having problems getting an SVG file to load via the Magick++ API. Basically, whenever I try and read in my SVG file, an exception gets thrown (ErrorFileOpen or some such) and I see "sh: wmf2eps: command not found" end up in my debug log. I'm using a version of ImageMagick that I've built from the latest sources as a portable distribution as detailed in this thread:


In addition, I'm using the following configure options:

./configure --disable-shared --disable-installed --prefix=/tmp/ImageMagick --with-quantum-depth=8 --without-x --without-jp2 --without-bzlib --without-lcms --without-jbig --without-wmf

I'm really just interested in the SVG support. I know I don't have librsvg so is that something that needs to be installed as well before I build ImageMagick?
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Re: Magick++ SVG support under Mac OSX

Post by fmw42 »

If you installed IM manually and not from the binaries, then you will need to install all the delegate libraries that you want to use. I am not sure that you need to do anything about SVG, but you will need tif, png, jpg, ghostscript, freetype, wmf, etc

The delegates can be found at:

to find out what is installed use:

convert -list configure

and look at the line that starts with DELEGATES
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Re: Magick++ SVG support under Mac OSX

Post by vtagle-qsi »

Where do I put the delegate libraries if I'm trying to use a portable version of IM built from sources? I'm basically using IM to include SVG support in a project that will be distributed to end-users who don't necessarily have IM installed on their systems.
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Re: Magick++ SVG support under Mac OSX

Post by fmw42 »

I am no expert on this. I don't know if you have to do anything for SVG. It depends upon how you installed IM where you want to put the delegates. If you used FINK or MacPorts to install IM, then you need to let one of those install the delegates and need to get the delegate from their resources. If you installed IM manually, then just follow the directions for each delegate INSTALL notes and it will put it where it needs to be. Then install IM so that it can find the delegates when it gets built. Then check

convert -list configure to be sure they have been found by IM.

For example, I built IM manually on my Mac OSX Tiger system. My delegates that I installed manually are:

DELEGATES bzlib freetype gs jpeg jp2 lcms png tiff x11 xml zlib
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