Bug with "identify -ping -verbose" with gif files

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Bug with "identify -ping -verbose" with gif files

Post by deniel »

I get error with some gif files when I use the "-ping -verbose" combination, separately they work ok.
sample file:
http://temp-1.hit.bg/A__Beautiful__Mind ... 72_189.GIF

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Re: Bug with "identify -ping -verbose" with gif files

Post by magick »

The -ping and -verbose options in combination are incompatible, however, in the latest ImageMagick release it happily returns information about the image without complaint. Its just that pixel histogram is wrong since the -ping option does not read the image pixels.

Re: Bug with "identify -ping -verbose" with gif files

Post by deniel »

Hi, and thanks for the insights, i did not know they have incompatibility, however, -verbose is faster that way for my needs...
By the latest release you mean the binaries currently provided on the site?
Just for info I'm using 6.4.3-6 Q16/Q8 32bit and the static x64 version on Windows XP x64 SP2 and I get window's error popup. Will try on 32bit windows later.

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Re: Bug with "identify -ping -verbose" with gif files

Post by magick »

We have access to 32-bit Windows currently and the -ping -verbose combination ran without complaint with ImageMagick 6.4.3-6. We'll try the 64-bit version later today.

Re: Bug with "identify -ping -verbose" with gif files

Post by deniel »

It did not work for me on 32bit Windows XP Pro SP2.
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