jpg convert causes ever-growing convert file & evntual crash

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jpg convert causes ever-growing convert file & evntual crash

Post by sdupont73 »

This is quite a doozy of a bug.

I'm running version 6.2.8 Q16 and running the following command:
/usr/bin/convert -strip -colorspace RGB -scale 2048x2048 "/tmp/bknew.jpg" "/tmp/new.convert.jpg"

I've run this type of command on jpgs thousands of times without errors. But when I atttempt to convert this particular jpg, the convert file created just continues to grow and grow, the process never ends, and, unless I manually kill the process, I eventually run out of hard drive space, crashing my server.

Is this a known issue with this version of image magick? Will upgrading fix this bug?

If you would like the jpg in question that causes this, let me know where I can send it. (its ~12MB in size. note that I can convert other large files successfully)
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Re: jpg convert causes ever-growing convert file & evntual crash

Post by el_supremo »

Just a shot from the hip. The syntax you are using is from the old V5.
See if this makes any difference:

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/convert  "/tmp/bknew.jpg" -strip -colorspace RGB -scale 2048x2048 "/tmp/new.convert.jpg"

Re: jpg convert causes ever-growing convert file & evntual crash

Post by sdupont73 »

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Re: jpg convert causes ever-growing convert file & evntual crash

Post by magick »

Upgrading to a newer version of ImageMagick never hurts but this command is optimal:
  • convert -size 2048x2048 image.jpg -strip -colorspace RGB -resize 2048x2048 resize.jpg
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