Tint 6.4.2

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Tint 6.4.2

Post by dognose »

Code: Select all

convert 1.gif  -colorspace Gray -fill 'blue' -tint 100% tint.gif

 convert --version
Version: ImageMagick 6.4.2 07/25/08 Q16 OpenMP http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2008 ImageMagick Studio LLC

Getting some weird effects with the tint operation. Is this OpenMP related?

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Re: Tint 6.4.2

Post by magick »

We could not reproduce the problem with tinting. We get the expected results. Perhaps its image specific. Post a URL to your image.
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Re: Tint 6.4.2

Post by dognose »

Here is the original:


but, it happens with other large images as well.

I built it again with out openmp, and it still produces a similar problem. It's weird, the image looks different everytime I make the image.

I guess it's something wrong with my build. I thought I had that all straightened out. Was there any big dependency updates?

I just don't even know what would cause such weirdness.
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Re: Tint 6.4.2

Post by magick »

Unfortunately we cannot reproduce the problem. We're using ImageMagick-6.4.2-4, the current release.
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