Problem converting multi-page djvu to multi png/jpg

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Problem converting multi-page djvu to multi png/jpg

Post by taigaIV »


I try to use convert to convert djvu file to png. This djvu file contain multiple page. When converting i always get the first page and nothing more.
I used :
convert myfile.djvu myfile.png
convert myfile.djvu myfile.%d.png
and always obtained a single png file. I also tried converting to jpg, same result.

I use imagmagick from gentoo portage (version and djvu 3.5.20-r1.
When i open this document with djvu viewer it show me all pages.


edit : i first looked for this on forum and haven't found anythings.
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Re: Problem converting multi-page djvu to multi png/jpg

Post by magick »

Post a URL to your image so we can reproduce the problem and respond with a solution.

Re: Problem converting multi-page djvu to multi png/jpg

Post by taigaIV »

Thanks for your answer.

Is there another way to give you this file (or a way to restrict access to this url) otherwise i must ask permission to make this public.
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Re: Problem converting multi-page djvu to multi png/jpg

Post by magick »

Press the PM button at the bottom of this page and you can privately send us the URL.
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Re: Problem converting multi-page djvu to multi png/jpg

Post by magick »

The problem you reported is fixed in ImageMagick 6.4.2-5 Beta available sometime tomorrow.

Re: Problem converting multi-page djvu to multi png/jpg

Post by taigaIV »

Thank you very much, going to change version asap.
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