PDF color conversion problem on PPC machines

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PDF color conversion problem on PPC machines

Post by zombor »

Hi, I am not sure if this is a bug in IM or Ghostscript. When converting from a PDF document to a raster image format (png for example), on PPC machines the colorspace comes out completely off. The same command on an Intel machine works fine. I'm assuming some endian-specific code is off somewhere. My command is:

/opt/local/bin/convert -sample 250 -colorspace CMYK 485ad067f1866.pdf[0] -colorspace RGB 485ad067f1866.png

You can see the resulting images below:


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Re: PDF color conversion problem on PPC machines

Post by magick »

Try this:
  • /opt/local/bin/convert -colorspace RGB 485ad067f1866.pdf[0] -resize 250 485ad067f1866.png
Does that return identical renderings?

Re: PDF color conversion problem on PPC machines

Post by zombor »

That command results in the same bright green on both platforms.
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Re: PDF color conversion problem on PPC machines

Post by magick »

The correct solution to this problem is to use two color profiles, generally a Swop for CMYK and an sRGB for RGB. First check to ensure LCMS is supported in your ImageMagick distribution otherwise you will get unexpected results. Type
  • identify -list configure
and assure LCMS is associated with the DELEGATES tag.
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Re: PDF color conversion problem on PPC machines

Post by fmw42 »

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