Cannot convert FPX to JPG (no decode delegate)

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Cannot convert FPX to JPG (no decode delegate)

Post by fbokhari »

Hi -

I have been trying to convert FPX images to JPG with no luck (several other formats work, just not fpx). Using the command "convert one.fpx one.jpg" returns a message

convert: no decode delegate for this image format `one.fpx'.
convert: missing an image filename `one.jpg'.

I am using a winxp system and installed imagemagick from the distributed binaries for windows (specifically from the file "ImageMagick-6.4.1-3-Q16-windows-dll.exe").

By google-ing the error above, I found several pages on how to compile from source files and then install on windows. However, since I am not a programmer -- nor do i have access to any compilers -- am not quite sure how to proceed/resolve this issue.

Pls. help if you can since I have a very large collection of old pictures that I need to convert from fpx to other formats (e.g. jpeg).

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Cannot convert FPX to JPG (no decode delegate)

Post by el_supremo »

The error message means that IM does not have a delegate which can do the FPX conversion on its behalf. Sometimes this means that your IM wasn't installed properly, in which case reinstalling it, possibly recompiling it first, can fix the problem. However, in some cases there isn't a delegate available and it simply can't be done and I think this is the case in your situation.
The command:

Code: Select all

identify -list format
will list all the formats that IM knows about with an indication of whether it can read and/or write them. On my system the command includes the entry:

Code: Select all

      FPX  FPX       ---   FlashPix Format
which means that IM can't read or write that format and your only hope is to find another program which can do the conversion for you.

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Re: Cannot convert FPX to JPG (no decode delegate)

Post by fmw42 »

delegate library at which includes FlashPix. you have to manually install the delegate library.

Re: Cannot convert FPX to JPG (no decode delegate)

Post by fbokhari »


Thanks for the help.

I just issued the "identify -list format" command and got the same return as yours, i.e., "FPX FPX --- FlashPix Format".

I use to be able to convert from FPX to JPEG when I had a very old version on IM (but I don't have the install files for the older version any longer).

Further, I noticed that some sort of a DLL file is available for FPX in the coders folder "C:\ImageMagick\modules\coders". There are sever DLLs here and one of them is "IM_MOD_RL_fpx_.dll". Could it be that there just needs to be some way of telling IM to look into this folder to load a module?

Thanks again.


Re: Cannot convert FPX to JPG (no decode delegate)

Post by fbokhari »

I downloaded the zipped file "". Any suggestions on how to install it?? I am on a winXp machine and had installed IM using the binary files for windows (don't have a complier and am not a programmer so even if I did, I would not know how to compile the source files).


fmw42 wrote:delegate library at which includes FlashPix. you have to manually install the delegate library.
Posts: 1015
Joined: 2005-03-21T21:16:57-07:00

Re: Cannot convert FPX to JPG (no decode delegate)

Post by el_supremo »

Sorry about that fb, the info I gave was obviously wrong.
There are sever DLLs here and one of them is "IM_MOD_RL_fpx_.dll"
Yeah, that's in my system too. I presume there's a way to make IM use that but I don't know how to do it.

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