another inconsistency in string format syntax

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another inconsistency in string format syntax

Post by fmw42 »

I am finding a slight inconsistency when using identify vs convert in how string formats are handled. Basically if there are multiple frames in the image, identify runs the results together onto one long string return, but convert lists them on separate lines. Thus to fix this, I have to add \n when using identify.

For example:

convert -delay 200 rose: -delay 10 rose: rose_an.gif

using convert syntax:
shortinfo="%f[%s] %m %Tticks %wx%h %P%O %r %z-bit %Q%% %b"
convert rose_an.gif -format "$shortinfo" info:
rose_an.gif[0] GIF 200ticks 70x46 70x46+0+0 PseudoClassRGB 8-bit 0% 0
rose_an.gif[1] GIF 10ticks 70x46 70x46+0+0 PseudoClassRGB 8-bit 0% 0

using identify syntax:
shortinfo="%f[%s] %m %Tticks %wx%h %P%O %r %z-bit %Q%% %b"
identify -format "$shortinfo" rose_an.gif
rose_an.gif[0] GIF 200ticks 70x46 70x46+0+0 PseudoClassRGB 8-bit 0% 7575rose_an.gif[1] GIF 10ticks 70x46 70x46+0+0 PseudoClassRGB 8-bit 0% 7575

fix to identify syntax:
shortinfo="%f[%s] %m %Tticks %wx%h %P%O %r %z-bit %Q%% %b \n"
identify -format "$shortinfo" rose_an.gif
rose_an.gif[0] GIF 200ticks 70x46 70x46+0+0 PseudoClassRGB 8-bit 0% 7575
rose_an.gif[1] GIF 10ticks 70x46 70x46+0+0 PseudoClassRGB 8-bit 0% 7575
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Re: another inconsistency in string format syntax

Post by magick »

Fixed in the subversion trunk. Thanks.
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