Cannot convert .ai .pdf or .eps to .jpg

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Cannot convert .ai .pdf or .eps to .jpg

Post by signsrus »

I currently upgraded ImageMagick to 6.4.1 via a build. Everything seemed to build fine. In fact, everything works fine on our dev server although it is using a different operation system-Fedora Core 5. Files .ai and .pdf do not convert whatsoever although .eps files convert but have live small black boxes all over the picture. All other formats convert fine- .png, .tiff, .gif and .bmp. Here is the output of the identify commands on the files that do not work:

Code: Select all

root@ds37 [~]# identify
sh: gs: command not found
identify: Postscript delegate failed `': No such file or directory.

root@ds37 [~]# identify test.pdf
sh: gs: command not found
identify: Postscript delegate failed `test.pdf': No such file or directory.

root@ds37 [~]# identify test.eps
sh: gs: command not found
sh: gs: command not found
test.eps EPT 792x608 792x608+0+0 8-bit PseudoClass 256c 942.646kb
identify: Postscript delegate failed `/tmp/magick-XX3dU1nf': No such file or directory.
identify: test.eps: invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order. `TIFFReadDirectory'.

root@ds37 [~]# identify test.jpg
test.jpg JPEG 182x130 182x130+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 8.48633kb
Here is the system info:

Code: Select all

root@ds37 [~]# arch
root@ds37 [~]# uname -a
Linux 2.6.9-42.0.10.ELsmp #1 SMP Tue Feb 27 10:11:19 EST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
-CentOS Enterprise 4.6 i686 on standard

What do I do?

Thank you,

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Re: Cannot convert .ai .pdf or .eps to .jpg

Post by magick »

You must have Ghostscript installed and the gs program in your execution path for ImageMagick to interpret Postscript or PDF. Alternatively you can edit the delegate.xml configuration file and set the absolute path to your 'gs' program.

Re: Cannot convert .ai .pdf or .eps to .jpg

Post by signsrus »

Yes, that's it. Thank you :D
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