Bad eps3 convesion

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Bad eps3 convesion

Post by ripper234 »


I'm using WinXP, imagemagick 6.4.1-Q16.
I'm trying to convert my pngs to eps3 using the following command:
convert.exe -verbose ws.png eps3:ws.eps

This is the output
ws.png PNG 655x635 655x635+0+0 8-bit PseudoClass 16c 14.5293kb
ws.png=>ws.eps PNG 655x635 655x635+0+0 8-bit PseudoClass 16c 516.496kb 0.094u 0:01

The created eps file is corrupted and is huge (516kb).
If I use eps1 I get a 800kb size, but if I use eps2 I get a 42kb size only. Both eps1 and eps2 outputs are readable by ghostview.

This problem didn't exist for me in earlier version of ImageMagick (don't remember which version). I just installed this version on a fresh computer and the conversion to eps3 sucks :(

I'd appreciate your help on this, I'm using ImageMagick to create images for my thesis, which is due in two weeks :) Alternatively, is there a place where I can download old ImageMagick binaries?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Bad eps3 convesion

Post by magick »

There is a small bug when the compression is not defined. A work around is to explicitly set the compression like this:
  • convert image.png -compress none

Re: Bad eps3 convesion

Post by ripper234 »

When I use "-compress none" The file outputted is still huge (500kb for a 14kb input).
It is not corrupt though.
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Re: Bad eps3 convesion

Post by magick »

  • convert image.png -compress zip

Re: Bad eps3 convesion

Post by ripper234 »

Thank you very much, it works like a charm.
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