SEE UPDATE - problem in converting from PDF in IM 6.4.1-0

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SEE UPDATE - problem in converting from PDF in IM 6.4.1-0

Post by fmw42 »

You wrote:

Doh! You must have the Ghostscript framework installed. The framework has a gsc program rather than gs. Use a file/folder search and see if you can find the gsc program
I wrote back:
Yes, I had to install the Ghostscript framework to get Ghostscript properly installed as IM configure complained about that. When I installed it many releases ago, it was working fine (I thought - perhaps not?). But at about IM 6.4.0-10, I started to get the above problem.

I have done

find / | grep gsc

but it only found:

and lots of other files such as
/Users/fred/Applications/IM Related Libraries/IM Delegates/ghostscript-8.61/src/gsccode.h
but none for just gsc or gsc.c or gsccode.c

The Ghostscript framework is installed at
I am still having the same issue in IM 6.4.1-0 Q16-hdri Mac OSX Tiger PPC.

So from your comments, perhaps this problem is on my end? Do you confirm? If so do you recommend that I reinstall all of Ghostscript or just the Ghostscript Framework or remove the framework?

OK. I tried removing the framework and reinstalled IM. But neither the ./configure nor IM recognizes ghostscript at all, then. The convert -list configure does not list gs and the configure says "no" to each line about ghostscript.

So, I reinstalled the framework and am back where I started.

Checking for Ghostscript support
checking ghostscript/iapi.h usability... yes
checking ghostscript/iapi.h presence... yes
checking for ghostscript/iapi.h... yes
checking ghostscript/ierrors.h usability... yes
checking ghostscript/ierrors.h presence... yes
checking for ghostscript/ierrors.h... yes
checking for gsapi_new_instance in Ghostscript framework... yes
checking if Ghostscript package is complete... yes, using framework.
checking for GVC... no

What is GVC that it thinks is missing?

However, when I rebuilt the framework in ghostscript, it also built the gsc file/program (in its sobin directory in its source code folder). However, the ghostscript docs do not mention that it is needed nor do they say where to put it. Do you have any idea where I should place it?

Contents of sobin directory in the Ghostscript source folder:


The docs just say to move Ghostscript.framework to my frameworks directory in the Library directory, which I have done to get where I am now. No mention of what to do with gsc.


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