Strange unexpected line in montage's output

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Strange unexpected line in montage's output

Post by ggeeoo »

When I issue the following command

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montage -limit memory 32 -limit map 64 -mode concatenate -background white -size 4096x4096 xc:black out.png
on windows, then the output image contains an horizontal white line while it should be all black. Things work as expected on linux or if I remove the "-limit" options.
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Re: Strange unexpected line in montage's output

Post by magick »

The problem you reported is fixed in the latest release, ImageMagick 6.4.0-7.

Re: Strange unexpected line in montage's output

Post by ggeeoo »

The bug is still there in 6.4.0-7. I have tried the following distributions:

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Re: Strange unexpected line in montage's output

Post by magick »

Odd. The problem only appears under Windows. The command works fine under Linux. We will investigate the problem as a bug.
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