AdaptiveBlurImage left out of Magick++/Include.h

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AdaptiveBlurImage left out of Magick++/Include.h

Post by eldiener »

I downloaded release ImageMagick from source, configured it, and built it. The CORE_RL_Magick++_.dll refused to build and I found the error was because the line:

using MagickLib::AdaptiveBlurImage;

had been left out of Magick++/include.h.

When I added it to that file, at line 466, the build succeeded.

The initial occurrence of the compiler error happens in MagicK++/image.cpp, line 303 in the void Magick::Image::adaptiveBlur member function when calling AdaptiveBlurImage. Since AdaptiveBlurImage was left out of Magick++/include.h the compiler can not find it. Once it was added to Magick++/include.h all was well.

Did someone actually test this build, and not generate this compiler error, before the build was released ? If so I would love to find out how it Magick++ compiled correctly with that line missing from the Magick++/include.h file.
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Re: AdaptiveBlurImage left out of Magick++/Include.h

Post by magick »

The problem you reported is fixed in ImageMagick 6.3.5-9 Beta which is scheduled for release within the next week.
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Re: AdaptiveBlurImage left out of Magick++/Include.h

Post by ovisopa »


I have an issue with adaptiveBlurImage , and I belive it's about it but could be something else.

I have moved my websites to a new dedicated server wich has a newer version of iMagick, I just noticed that after I upload a photo gallery on my website all the photos are blury, instead of sharpened, the script resizes the photos to multiple resolutions - for years everything was fine, but now the images are all blury.

$image->adaptiveBlurImage( 1, 1 );

Any ideea if the interpretation of those params has changed, and instead of sharpen the image it makes it blury ?

I also noticed that the watermark text has dissapeared, but I will check this as I don;t know yet what is causing this issue, bellow is a part of the code I used for the watermark:

Code: Select all

$signature_font =  "verdana.ttf";
$signature_font_size = 10;
$signature_height = 10;

	$draw_Y_line = new ImagickDraw();
			 $draw_Y_line->setFillColor( "#3D98CC" );
			 $image->drawImage( $draw_Y_line );		
			$author_styled_white = new ImagickDraw();
			$author_styled_white->setFont( $fonts_path.$signature_font );
			$author_styled_white->setFontSize( $signature_font_size ); 
			$author_styled_white->setFillColor( $textColor2 );
			$image->annotateImage( $author_styled_white, $signature_left_start, ($resized_height-$signature_height), 0, $author_full );

Here is a sample photo with the blury image and lack of watermark text (under the logo there is a blue round corners rectangle, that should have been much longer and should have a white text over it)

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