sh: wmf2svg: not found

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sh: wmf2svg: not found

Post by scottpreston »

I am working with version 6.3.4, just compiled from source on Solaris.

I am trying to convert 1 TIFF to another TIFF with an embedded clipping path in the source image, and I want to get the cropped image in the destination image. However I get the error message: sh: wmf2svg: not found.

The command I am using is:

Code: Select all

convert working/source_blank.tif -clip source.tif -flatten -depth 8 -trim -compress lzh dest.tif
Now this works fine in Vista, I am able to see the cropped image, but it does not under solaris. I have found that this wmf2svg is related to some delegate shell script but I can not find the depenency I am missing to get it to work...

Any help appriciated.


Re: sh: wmf2svg: not found

Post by scottpreston »

Anther error that may or may not help:

Code: Select all

convert: Delegate failed `"wmf2svg" -o "%o" "%i"'
It might even be nice just to know the dependency list for ImageMagick to work properly rather than trying to install libwmf, then finding that it needs libpng, and then libeps, etc....
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