MagickReadImageBlob failure with .ico files

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MagickReadImageBlob failure with .ico files

Post by smugsotemp »

I'm using PHP 5.2.0 with ImageMagick-6.3.2-3-Q8 for windows.

I've noticed a problem with MagickReadImageBlob().

The following code works fine:
$image = file_get_contents("c:\image.gif");
$resource = NewMagickWand();

While the following code crashes with "Fatal error: magickreadimageblob(): An unknown C API exception occurred [on C source line 7670] in ..."

$image = file_get_contents("c:\image.ico");
$resource = NewMagickWand();

I've tried it with several .ico files and all produce the same result.
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Re: MagickReadImageBlob failure with .ico files

Post by magick »

  • MagickSetFilename($resource,"ico:favicon.ico");

just before the MagickReadImageBlob() statement. This ico: assists ImageMagick in determining your image is in the ICO image format.

Re: MagickReadImageBlob failure with .ico files

Post by smugsotemp »

Hey, magick.
I did what you suggested and it removed the error in MagickReadImageBlob.
However, I still cannot get a php buffer of the image.

Once I do the following:

Code: Select all

$image = file_get_contents("c:\image.ico");
$resource = NewMagickWand();
$newIcoImage = MagickGetImagesBlob($resource);
I get nothing in $newIcoImage (not false, just empty). If I try to write it to a file (using fwrite) I get a file with size of 0.

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Re: MagickReadImageBlob failure with .ico files

Post by magick »

You found a bug. The blob is not created if it begins with a NULL character. You can write to other formats other than ICO such as MIFF or you can dowload the patch at tommorrow. Thanks for the problem report.

Re: MagickReadImageBlob failure with .ico files

Post by magickchina »

magick wrote:You found a bug. The blob is not created if it begins with a NULL character. You can write to other formats other than ICO such as MIFF or you can dowload the patch at tommorrow. Thanks for the problem report.
The bug is still exists, I met it , with the latest version of imageMagick AND MagickWand

My env:
winxp + ImageMagick-6.3.6-Q16 + MagicWand 1.0.5 + PHP5.2.4

My test code

Code: Select all

$image = file_get_contents("c:\favicon.ico");
$resource = NewMagickWand();
$newIcoImage = MagickGetImagesBlob($resource);
echo $newIcoImage;
it output nothing
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Re: MagickReadImageBlob failure with .ico files

Post by magick »

We tried your script with ImageMagick 6.3.6-2 and MagickWand 1.0.5 and it output an ICO image as expected. Not sure why it failed for you.

Re: MagickReadImageBlob failure with .ico files

Post by magickchina »

magick wrote:We tried your script with ImageMagick 6.3.6-2 and MagickWand 1.0.5 and it output an ICO image as expected. Not sure why it failed for you.
Are you test it in windows xp ?
My php version: 5.2.4

I download php-5.2.4_magickwand_q16_st.dll from here.

Re: MagickReadImageBlob failure with .ico files

Post by aireys »

I have the same problem.
I work with C API.
My code:

FILE *f = fopen("bomb.jpg", "rb");
size_t fsize = getfilesize(f);
void *content = malloc(fsize);
read(content, 1, fsize, f);

//I'm sure above is ok

MagicKWand *wand = NewMagickWand();
MagickSetFormat(wand, "jpg");
MagickSetFilename(wand, "jpg:out.jpg");
status = MagickReadImageBlob(wand, content, fsize);

status is MagickFalse
why ?please help me. My email:
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