DDS format write support?

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DDS format write support?

Post by Axolotl »

Hi, not sure is this a bug or my misunderstanding of some things.

Tried to write image in DDS format but there was error "No encode delegate for this image format" and Imagemagick writes zero sized file.

I tried -list format and it shows only read support for this format : "DDS* DDS r-- Microsoft DirectDraw Surface"

But on the main format page
DDS clearly shown as both Read & Write support. (DDS RW Microsoft Direct Draw Surface) with even additional options for define compression algorithm "Use -define to specify the compression (e.g. -define dds:compression={dxt1, dxt5, none})"

Using Windows 7 64bit / ImageMagick-6.8.6-9-Q16-x64-dll.exe
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Re: DDS format write support?

Post by dlemstra »

You are a couple of days to early :) DDS write support has been added recently and is not included in 6.8.6-9. You have to wait for the next release of ImageMagick. Click here for details: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=23946&start=15#p102574.
.NET + ImageMagick = Magick.NET, @MagickNET, Donate
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